I mention it in my book, and I've recommended it to family and friends who have visited DF, but until yesterday I had never ridden on the turibus, that double-decker red thing you see carting hordes of tourists all over town. Who needs that? I thought to myself.
Much to my surprise, I loved it. Seeing DF from a vantage point about 10 feet above ground level offered views of the city I'd never seen before. We went after 4PM when the sun was lower--I would guess a mid-day ride on top could be pretty hot.
For 100 pesos (50 for children) you can get on and off all day at 24 stops all over the Centro, Reforma and Chapultepec areas. There is a new line that covers the southern part of the city, too.
For more information, visit their website www.turibus.com.mx