"I went to the supermarket today and burst into tears!", wrote my friend Dottie, having returned to Colorado after a year in Mexico. "Everything is wrapped in plastic. There are no smells of fruits or vegetables or flowers. The avocados are as hard as rocks. I miss the real thing!"
The 'real thing' she missed was el mercado, the traditional shopping venue for many Mexicans. In Mexico City neighborhoods, the tall red and green Mi Mercado sign is a familiar sight, and although statistics show that more and more suburban Mexicans are shopping in American style supermarkets, the traditional market thrives in the city.
The Mexican mercado has a long tradition. At the Museo de Antropología a diorama of a pre-Hispanic market looks remarkably like what you see today. In the Palacio Nacional, Diego Rivera’s panoramic mural shows an Aztec mercado with a butcher offering a human arm for sale—other than that, it’s still pretty much the same. Beans, squash, avocados, metates for grinding corn and molcajetes for grinding chilies, ceramic pots, baskets and woven mats are just a few of the things that connect today’s Mexican market to its Aztec predecessor.
Most market stalls are individual, family-run businesses, so there’s the intimate feel of a village in the mercado. You can still ask for 'un aguacate para hoy', a recommendation for the best melon, or get a free apple as a pilón (an extra gift). Vendors beseech you with '¿Que va a llevar?' or '¿Que le damos, marchanta?' and there's a chatty, bustling feel to the proceedings. A roaming guitar player is usually nearby to provide the soundtrack.
My favorite market in Mexico City is the Mercado Jamaica, located a few miles south of the Zócalo. It has all the variety of the much larger La Merced in the centro, slightly scaled down—but without the crowds. I take visitors here even if we’re not shopping for food—the exuberant colors and lively atmosphere make it a fascinating destination.
What makes the Jamaica market special is that, aside from the mountains of produce, it's also the city's wholesale flower market (they also sell retail at prices that will astound you.) You'll see bundles of fragrant nardos, piles of mutli-hued roses (whose petals can be bought by the kilo), armloads of gaudy gladiolas, exotic heliconias and lots more, on display.
There are formal arrangements for all occasions from baptisms to funerals. Some florists seem to have learned their craft at military school, with flowers standing at full attention. Others appear to take their clues from Frida Kahlo's surrealistic paintings, and might include apples, plastic baby dolls or even live goldfish.
Holidays are a great time to visit the Jamaica market. During Semana Santa, before Day of the Dead, Mothers’ Day or Valentine’s Day the sheer quantity of flowers is dazzling. And if you happen to need a bouquet at 4 in the morning, it’s the place to go—the market is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Wandering through the market you'll also find baskets, ceramics, tinware, fantastic costumes for children, and even an beauty parlor run by a pair of transvestites. There are great food stalls in the market as well. many of them specializing in huaraches, a corn-based antojito (snack) with a variety of toppings. And this market is one of the rare places where you can sample tepache, a traditional drink made of lightly fermented pineapple juice.
A visit to the Mercado Jamaica is much more than just a trip to the supermarket--it's time travel to a pre-industrial world, a microcosm of life in Mexico, exuberant, colorful...alive!
Getting there: The #9 metro line stops at ‘Jamaica’ and there’s a taxi sitio behind the flower market.
I've lived in Mexico for fifteen years and occasionally settle into a complacent feeling that I really know what's going on here. And then I see something like this news headline:
Capsule containing Pope John Paul II's blood heading to Mexico
and I begin to question it all over again.
The blood, displayed in a new handcrafted reliquary, along with other items relating to the pope's life, wil
l be on display in Mexico City's Cathedral from Sept. 5-9 and will travel around the country through December. John Paul II, who was beatified (first step toward sainthood) in May, has made five official visits to Mexico and is a figure of adoration here.
The connection between religion and blood--large quantities of it--has a history in Mexico that pre-dates the arrival of the Spaniards. You can find long descriptions of Aztec human sacrifice, literally heart-rending, in early missionary chronicles. Graphic images of a blood-drenched Christ are common in churches here. And of course, the 'blood of Christ' is an essential element of Catholic mass everywhere.
According to Rev. Manuel Corral, public relations secretary for Mexico's Council of Bishops, "In the perception of a Mexico plunged into terror, pain, hopelessness, anguish, vengeance and rancor as a result of insecurity and violence ... the veneration of the relics will be an opportunity for the baptized and pe
ople of good will to turn their eyes to God."
I received a Catholic education as a child, but
it did not prepare me for the Church I found in Mexico. The first clues that something was different were the crepe paper and balloon decorations I saw in a chapel in Oaxaca. The sightings of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla or on a paving stone in the metro were new to me, as were the dancers clad in Aztec attire that attend many religious festivals, and the pilgrims crawling on hands and knees to reach the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe. There's a rambunctious, slightly pagan aspect to religion here, something that reaches back into the pre-Hispanic past, searching beyond the gospels, into the codices, the glyphs, to where the plumed serpent and the robed madonna meet.
The Bishops' Council has asked organized crime groups in Mexico to give the folks a break--no kidnappings, shootings or decapitations, please--in the presence of the sacred blood. Nothing else seems to be working, so why not? A lot of blood has been shed in the 'war against drugs' in Mexico. Maybe it's time to just stop and meditate upon it.