Pressing the 'publish' button on a new blog post is always a leap of faith. There it goes, hurling into cyberspace--but is anybody out there? Reader responses tell me yes, but, let's face it--most people do not comment on all the blog posts they read. So it was a great surprise and pleasure to receive an email recently inviting me to be part of a new initiative sponsored by the Mexican Tourism Board. I will be one of 24 writers who will initiate the program Mexico Today, as it is called in English. Marca Pais--Imagen de Mexico is a joint public and private sector initiative designed to help promote Mexico as a global business partner and tourist destination. The program aims to shine a light on the bright side of Mexico--something we don't see enough of these days. Anyone who's been following my blog knows that I have been an unabashed Mexico team cheerleader from the start. It's an honor and a thrill to have been handed a bigger megaphone.I invite you to follow me and my fellow team members on the Mexico Today
Facebook page and also on Twitter.
Disclosure: I am being financially compensated for my work in creating content as a contributor to the Mexico Today Program. All stories, articles and opinions presented are completely my own.

Disclosure: I am being financially compensated for my work in creating content as a contributor to the Mexico Today Program. All stories, articles and opinions presented are completely my own.
Congratulations for you and for Mexico! It is good to find out they ask you to contribute to their job. Good luck1
Hi Jim, I am one of those faithful readers who never comments! Well, not so often. But I'm glad you got a gig on that show. It looks a promising idea, and you're just the sort of blogger to be involved. I've been to plenty of places on your recommendation over the years. These days, having left Mexico, I just read to see what I'm missing. But I'll be back.
Congrats all around! Love the logo!
Yeah! hurrah! Compensation is good, y tu la mereces. Te felicito, Sandra/Puebla
Hola Jim, good wishes to you! This sounds like fun. Blog on!
Congrats!! WILL YOU still be updating this blog as well? As a recent transplant of 8 months to D.F. from NYC this blog has been helpful and fun! Thanks so much really appreciate it. Good luck!
love your column been reading it for years.
my wife and i love mexico-been going for more than 25 years and have been all over this gorgeous country.
using social media to get the message out is awesome.
congrats on your new role.
Mexico Today is fortunate to have you as a collaborator ! Congratulations for your new job!!! Thank you for your contribution in making our country known for so many of its wonderful things!
I read this blog & dont post (until now). Just want you to know that I just got back from Mex City. Your interview with Rick Steves drove me to this site. I loved the city & will continue to read it. Thanks.
Financially compensated! What a concept. Congratulatons, Jim, I know you'll do a beautiful job and here's a toast to more and more compensation.
Jim, this is good news. I look forward to following you at your new post. I am missing Mexico these days.
I read you faithfully every week and am always delighted by some cultural nugget uncovered in your post.
I read your post faithfully every week and am always delighted by a cultural nugget uncovered by your writing.
Felicidades! Mexico could use some good PR right now, and you'll be a perfect spokesperson/commentator. Bravo! - Annie in San Miguel de Allende
Good Luck, and I give it a try
Viva Mexico, Today and forever... Felicidades on your new gig, you're a great addition to the mix.
I am one of your regular readers who never leaves a comment. Just wanted you to know we are out here enjoying what you write and look forward to exploring Mexico Today. Congratulations.
Congratulations! I'm another one of your long time silent blog readers. Mexico needs more people talking about the bright side, so it's great that you're part of this project.
I'm one of those readers who follow your blog but seldom comment. Good to hear somebody is working on the Mexico country brand! I'm a Mexican living in Finland and have been hoping that there would be something similar to what they have done over here: http://www.chivacongelado.com/2011/01/finland-country-brand-report/
Good luck in your new job.
Congratulations on the new gig, Jim!
Congrats all around!
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