Monday, April 4, 2016

Racism in Mexico?

The other day as I was walking along Avenida Insurgentes near Colonia Roma, I noticed this large billboard promoting awareness of the Mexico City's Constitution.

"The future of YOUR city is in you. We are all the constitution"it proclaims.

I admire the city's efforts to educate the public about the changes from DF to CDMX and all that it entails. But what struck me most about this announcement was the five young white faces that supposedly represent 'todos'. Although there are times in Colonia Roma where one might think everyone in Mexico is white and under 30, that is far from the city-wide reality. I found this billboard instructive, but offensive. 

For more information on Mexico City's constitution, look here:


(Unfortunately, after looking over the photos of the 30 people who make up the Grupo de Trabajo del Proyecto de Constitución, the lingering feeling of exclusion was not diminished.)


the ice chewer said...

Touring here, I saw another sign today: a mosaic of parts of photographed faces of different colors that together builds a whole face.

Jennifer Pierno said...

I agree with you entirely. When I'm in Mexico City, I am astonished at how many people in advertisements are white whereas the people in the street are not - they are a nice brown colour.

pg said...

yup you're pointing out what is always the case....too bad really

Oaxaca Cultural Navigator LLC said...

Notice the TV commentators and actors. European. When will we begin to acknowledge the indigenous strength of Mexico, too, I. All public images.

Tere Palm said...

I totally agree! Todos is not "todos" and "the rest" are on billboards with politicians running for president or majors...

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